Review of ‘Maybe Charlotte’ by Louise McBain
This was a good wlw traditional romance read. This is McBain’s second book with Bella and while I liked her first, ‘Claiming Camille‘, I enjoyed this one quite a bit more. I actually liked this more than I expected to and I always love when that happens. While the book info says that this is a sequel to Claiming Camille, you can read this book without reading that one first. These books take place in the same world so you see characters around who you know from other books, but this feels closer to a standalone than series so starting here is absolutely fine.
I’m not always the biggest fan of more traditional leaning WLW romances. I like my romances to take place on another planet, on the back of a dragon, while the characters try to solve a murder mystery. I’m a big romance fan but I love something extra with them. For this to be a slower-paced, sweet (with a little steam) romance I did not expect to be so hooked into the story. I picked this book up and only sat it down due to a super early work wake-up call. I wanted to keep reading. While there was nothing big that happened, there were all these little things that kept me turning the page. A little softball, art, music, celebrities, there were all these small pieces that nicely flowed one after another that made this book interesting to read. And something that I noticed while reading ‘Claiming Camille’, and this book, is that McBain’s writing is very comfortable. Her style really clicks with me and is nice and smooth.
Since this is a romance I should probably touch on that too. First, I just want to thank McBain for showing us that it is possible to write a romance without having a giant conflict moment at the 90% mark. Who would have ever thought that once characters fall in love that they actually communicate and work things out?! Shocking I know, it’s the unicorn of WLW fiction. And this book is not without some angst, McBain just chose to write it in a way that was actually realistic. I know this can’t happen too often or WLW fiction would explode or something, but I’m enjoying this moment right now. Oh and besides the sweet romance, the characters had nice pops of steam that just gave the romance the little heat that was needed.
This is not the kind of book that is going to blow anyone away… but it’s solid. It is well done and nicely written. The author made smart choices and made this a really enjoyable read for me. After two books McBain is definitely on my radar. If she can keep this going, if she can keep getting better with every book, it makes me excited about what we could read from her in the future. 4 stars.
A copy was given to me for an honest review.
Maybe Charlotte

This was a good wlw traditional romance read. This is McBain’s second book with Bella and while I liked her first, 'Claiming Camille', I enjoyed this one quite a bit more. I actually liked this more than I expected to and I always love when that happens. While the book info says that this is a sequel to Claiming Camille, you can read this book without reading that one first. These books take place in the same world so you see characters around who you know from other books, but this feels closer to a standalone than series so starting here is absolutely fine.
URL: 4 stars, Lawyer
Author: Louise McBain