Review of ‘Sirens and Syphons’ by Nita Round
This was a good and entertaining wlw steampunk book. After reading a book that was extremely disappointing yesterday, I really need this enjoyable read. It’s funny how a bad book can put you in a funk but a good book like this can lift you right out of it. This is the second book in the Evie Chester series and it was even better than the first. I really liked the feel of this book and the turn the series has taken from where the first book started. While I still like Round’s Towers series –which this series is a spinoff from- better than this series, I’m starting to get that addictive feel that I have for her Towers series, for this series too.
If you have read the Towers series you will know that Evie Chester is a badass, strong woman. Because I have that picture in my mind, it was difficult for me to see how hard her life started out like -in the first book-. In this second book, Evie is still very much damaged from everything she’s been through, but she’s starting to take control of her life. You get to see that growth and her slowly becoming a powerful badass and it’s a fun journey to go on. She still has a way to go but I’m excited to watch her journey throughout this series.
I was also really happy about getting to know more about Hesta. Hesta is a very interesting supernatural character and I was really happy she was so front and center in this book. We are also seeing some feelings develop and even with how messed up their beginning relationship was, I can’t help but root for them now anyway.
I think my only main complaint was that I wanted more. This is a quick read and I flew through the pages so fast that I was disappointed that I had nothing left. Luckily for us, it seems that Round writes pretty quickly so I’ll happily take another Evie or Towers book ASAP. If you are a fan of Round’s Tower series I would absolutely recommend this series too. If you haven’t read the Towers series yet but want to, I would suggest starting with the two prequel novellas, A Pinch of Salt and A Hint of Hope, first. While this Evie series is a spinoff, it takes place early in the timeline of this wonderful word Round has created so you can also start with this series first. Both of these series are currently on Kindle Unlimited which makes them an absolute steal. 4.25 Stars.
A copy was given to me for an honest review.
Sirens and Syphons

This was a good and entertaining wlw steampunk book. After reading a book that was extremely disappointing yesterday, I really need this enjoyable read. It’s funny how a bad book can put you in a funk but a good book like this can lift you right out of it. This is the second book in the Evie Chester series and it was even better than the first. I really liked the feel of this book and the turn the series has taken from where the first book started. While I still like Round’s Towers series –which this series is a spinoff from- better than this series, I’m starting to get that addictive feel that I have for her Towers series, for this series too.
URL: 4.5 stars, Steampunk
Author: Nita Round