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Tracing Invisible Threads by C. Fonseca

This was not a book for me, but it was still well written

Review of Tracing Invisible Threads by C. Fonseca

This was a well-written book that unfortunately did not connect to my personal tastes. I’ve had some bad luck lately where I have been reading books where the author was clearly talented, had written well-written books, but they just were not the type of books that I enjoy. I hate to say it but Tracing Invisible Threads falls into that category. I thought since readers mentioned a mystery and some interesting history, that this book would be for me but in the end, it was not a Lex book at all.

I have trouble with very slow-paced romances where not a lot happens. I don’t mean slow-burn, as I love slow-burn, I just mean that the whole book is very slow-paced. That was the case here and I ended up taking parts of four days just to finish this. While that might not seem like a lot, when I normally start a book I finished it in a day, two at the most. I felt like this book slowed way down and I hate to say this but I got to the point where I just wanted it to end. Again, I want to be clear that it is not an issue with the author, this is just not my kind of book.

The romance was very low angst, but I wished it had more. Besides a few jealousy moments, there was not much more angst and I think some additional angst would have kept me turning the pages. I like sweet romances too, but when a book has such a slow pace it needs some angst or something to keep things moving. I also had some issues with the romance itself. It was not until the 60% mark that I saw some chemistry between the characters. Up until then, they were missing any spark and I was surprised they had feelings for each other. Their feelings became more believable in the second half of the book but overall the chemistry was still lighter than I prefer in my romances.

I was hoping that the mystery part of the book would be just what I needed to keep me reading. Unfortunately, it was such a light mystery that I don’t even think I can put the mystery tag on this book. It wasn’t enough for me and I found myself wanting a mystery that was more in-depth. Between the characters having interesting jobs, the histories of their ancestors, and the baby mystery (and I say that lightly) it should have made me feel so much more involved and hooked into this story. I guess this really just a case of a book not connecting to a reader.

In the end, this was not a book for me, but it was still well written. There were some very interesting storylines but they were not enough to carry the book for me. With the right reader, I could see someone really enjoying this book. If you like a low angst read and a slower-paced book, this might be the book for you. 3 stars.

A copy was given to me for an honest review.

Tracing Invisible Threads by C. Fonseca

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