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spicy lesbian novella

This was a spicy lesbian novella

Review of ‘Cake’ by Jove Belle

This was a spicy lesbian novella. I’m a big Jove Belle fan. I have read all of her books except for her Bitterroot Saga books since I was saving them for a rainy day. So while this is a revised edition of the first book in the Bitterroot universe, I had not read it before now. Therefore I can’t say what changes have been made from the original version to this one, but I can say that I really enjoyed it.

I like the way Belle writes. It really clicks with me and I feel comfortable with her style. She is always good at hooking you into a story quickly and with a novella that’s pretty important. Could you date your sister-in-law’s ex-girlfriend? That premise right there was enough to have me hooked.

Since this is a novella, the romance moves pretty quickly. It is pretty much lust at first sight, with the question of could it be anything more? For two characters getting together so fast, I was a little surprised how much the chemistry did work. I really should not have been surprised since Belle writes good chemistry. The sex scenes were really hot too. Including reviews of both versions of this novella, some people were putting the erotic or erotic-romance category tag on this. I didn’t really think that personally, I just more thought steamy romance.

My only real complaint is that I wanted more. I liked both mains quite a bit. I wanted more of their story. I wanted more of the family dynamics and the story of the break-up with the sis-in-law. Between working at a prison and bakery, even their jobs were interesting. I don’t know if these characters show up in the next book Bitterroot Queen, but I would sure love to read more with them.

If you are looking for a fun and spicy novella, this is a great choice. If you have not read Belle before this would be a good way to try out her writing. After how much I enjoyed this novella I really want to read Bitterroot Queen soon.

An ARC was given to me for an honest review.

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