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The Lost Lady of Black Oak Manor by Naomi Piper

The Lost Lady of Black Oak Manor by Naomi Piper

The architect and the hot ghost

When architect River James moves into Black Oak Manor to oversee the renovation, she expects trouble with the construction crew. What she doesn’t expect is a very sexy ghost and a lot of hot (and cold because you know, ghost) sex.

The Lost Lady of Black Oak Manor by Naomi PiperNaomi Piper’s books aren’t huge on plot but whatever plot there is is well-thought and consistent. And plot matters more than is usually said in erotica, it’s what makes the story a safe place, what allows the reader to relax and enjoy the sex. Since that’s what we’re there for. At least that’s how it works for me. If I know the author is going to treat the characters (and, by extension, me) right, the part of my brain that tends to be on alert can shut down and let me enjoy everything else.

And enjoy I did. Piper writes instalust/instalove that turns into fun, weird, joyful sex and I’m here for it. 4 stars.

The Lost Lady of Black Oak Manor by Naomi PiperThe Lost Lady of Black Oak Manor by Naomi Piper

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