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superheroine book

An OK superheroine book

A new superheroine book that was reasonably entertaining. There were some parts I enjoyed, others I struggled with so I’m left feeling that this was about average..

Review of ‘Lyra Rayne: Ground Zero’ by Bryan Strickland

A new superheroine book that was reasonably entertaining. There were some parts I enjoyed, others I struggled with so I’m left feeling that this was about an average Kindle Unlimited (currently) self-published read. While the main hero is female and has powers similar to Superman, this book gave me a real Spiderman movie feel to it. If you enjoyed really any of the million Spidey remakes, you might enjoy the feel of this book too.

I do have to say I struggled in the beginning of this book. I could not get into the flow of it. I kept picking it up and putting it down. The dialogue almost felt a little forced, just not as natural as you might expect. I was bound and determined to get through this since I hate to DNF. Once I got more into the story the writing felt more comfortable to me. I don’t know if it improved or I just got used to it but I was finally able to read this book.

You know when you are dealing with a reactor, chances are a superhero could be born. The main idea for this story is nothing new, in fact, to anyone who knows superheroes this whole story was very predictable. On the good side, the journey of the main becoming a hero is where the book was really entertaining. I enjoyed the saving of all the people and learning your powers type scenes. I liked the overall journey to hero that the main character went on.

Since I was reviewing the book for I did expect this book to have a LGBTQ main character. Sexuality is never really discussed but I’m guessing both characters are bi and there is a WLW relationship in the book. I do want to make clear that it is very G-rated. Because I was expecting the relationship I could see it coming, but there were not many clues there for a reader. There was almost no talk about inner feelings and no real chemistry developing. It was basically friends for 75% of the book until one kiss and then the “I love you’s” are being tossed about. I’m appreciative of Strickland writing LGBTQ characters but if he’s going to have them in a relationship, even if it’s G-rated, they need a little spark, some romance and feelings so it is believable.

The biggest struggle I had with this book was the length. I know self-published authors hate to hear this but this book could have used an editor. I could have easily cut 50 pages, if not double that, and the book would have only improved. Since this is a heroine book, there is, of course, a villain. The villain reminded me of the big green guy, including the Hulk smash he seemed to use in the book. Anyway, the big finale, the climax of the book is the big battle scene. Which should be really exciting in any superhero book/movie, and it was in parts, the problem was it lasted forever! I mean forever! There is only so much kicking, punching, smashing, choking, throwing, stomping I can read about. And this is coming for a self-proclaimed geek about superheroes. Instead of being completely enthralled by the action, I started to get bored and shouted “just die already!” at my Kindle.

This is the first book in the series and even with my multiple complaints, I still am tempted to read the next installment when it comes out. The entertainment factor is there and this series has potential, Strickland just needs to edit content. I appreciate an author giving us a lot of pages for our money but more isn’t always better. If you are a superhero fan you might find this book entertaining. It certainly has its bumps but it’s not a bad Kindle Unlimited choice. 3 stars.

An ARC was given to me by the author in exchange for an honest review.

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