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summer holiday lesbian book

A good summer holiday lesbian book

If you are looking for a good summer holiday lesbian book read this book is for you. If you are new to Walsh this is a good book to try to see if you enjoy her writing.

Review of ‘Sit. Stay. Love’ by Karis Walsh

This was an enjoyable piece of fluff. I’ve been a Walshfan for a while. Her writing really works for me. Even though her books are more low-key, not a lot of excitement or drama, they are comfortable stories which are a nice change of pace. Walsh is also really good about using the setting and her character’s jobs very purposefully which really adds to the reading experience.

Her choice of places and jobs are almost never exciting, but it doesn’t matter as she sucks you into the setting and the character’s lives and you can’t stop reading. I don’t know any other author who constantly does that as Walsh does so I have to give her some major credit.

There have been a ton of reviews for this book already so I’m going to keep mine on the shorter side and I’m skipping the summary. I really don’t have much to complain about except I wish the book was a tad longer. I was enjoying this beach read so much that I wanted more. There is nothing new or groundbreaking here, but there is a ton of cuteness with puppies and a good romance. And a little surprise but I actually laughed out loud a few times. I found the dialogue between the two mains to be well done and funny in parts. I have read a lot of books by Walsh and I don’t remember funny dialogue before but I will happily take it.

This is my second good book in a row so I hope that is a sign of more to come. If you are looking for a good summer holiday lesbian book read this book is for you. If you are new to Walsh this is a good book to try to see if you enjoy her writing.

An ARC was given to me for an honest review.

summer holiday lesbian book

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