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Find your Match in Lesbian Books

Review of ‘Under Parr’ by Andrea Bramhall.

Andrea Bramhall is in my lesbian authors top ten: she’s an author who delivers well crafted plots, multi-layered characters and isn’t afraid of touching controversial issues.
This is book 2 of the Norfork Coast Investigation Story series which started brilliantly with ‘Collide-O-scope’. I recommend that you read this series chronologically as this book resumes with the relationship between the main characters, Detective Sargeant Kate Bannon and her girlfriend Gina Temple. If you read this book first, there are major spoilers for the first one. Additionally, book 2 leaves a few loose ends on the plot, so don’t be disappointed if everything isn’t resolved in this installment of the series.
The main plot of ‘Under Parr’ focus in Kate trying to solve the mystery surrounding a puzzling discovery of an skeleton in an old bunker. The relationship between the main characters and other aspects of their lives remain in the background so much so that Gina appears to be more like a secondary character. Personally, I would have preferred a better balance between the mystery and their personal lives: there’s too much detail in the murder investigation compared with, for example, Gina’s personal struggle. Hopefully we’ll see how this resolves in book 3. An interesting addition is how Ms. Bramhall discusses the subject of euthanasia, the care of old people and the terminally ill in a thought provoking manner.
Overall, a very good read if you are into mysteries with a substance. 4 stars.
ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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