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Find your Match in Lesbian Books

Review of ‘The secret pond’ by Gerri Hill.

Gerri Hill is a veteran lesfic author of romances, mysteries and even paranormal. ‘The secret pond’ is a beautiful slow burn romance but also a story about overcoming grief and finding home. Written from both main characters’ point of view, the book describes a summer in south Texas spent by Hannah, a straight mother of a 9 year old recently widowed, and Lindsey, a single lesbian architect who lost her whole family in a plane crash. Both women (and Hannah’s son) find solace in each other and slowly their relationship start to evolve into something more meaningful and unexpected.

I enjoyed this book very much though I needed some time to like Hannah, as I was alarmed by her parenting choices at the beginning of the book. I slowly warmed to her as I started to understand her actions and her suffering. Lindsey is an adorable character with her guilt complex and family devotion that it’s hard not to like her. As the book progresses, the reader can see their chemistry growing and their relationship changing without much angst but with deep feelings and care for each other. Ms. Hill’s love for the outdoors and south Texas permeates throughout the book in her beautiful descriptions of the area and the suffocating summer. ‘The secret pond’ is Gerri Hill at her best.

Overall, 4.5 stars. Highly recommended if you like slow burn romances without much angst.

ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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