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Find your Match in Lesbian Books

Review of ‘Mine to keep’ by Wendy Hudson.

Three things made me read this book: its cover, the title and Ms. Hudson’s excellent debut novel ‘Four steps’. So I had high expectations that unfortunately didn’t quite deliver for me. ‘Mine to keep’ is a romantic suspense with the romance sweet and tender but the suspense quite predictable. Because the reader can guess where the plot is heading, there is more a question of when rather than if things are going to turn for the worse. This can work for some readers but, personally, I prefer thrillers that keep me guessing. My other issue is that even though the characters are generally well developed and multilayered, some of their actions seem unrealistic in, for example, some of the characters reactions to trauma. However, the villain is very well portrayed, as the reader can actually see his conflicts and shortcomings.

Having said all these, I think the book is worth a read. It’s entertaining and well written, the description of the landscape is vivid and the romance is satisfying.

Overall, an entertaining read if you don’t mind a bit of predictability in a thriller. 3.5 stars rounded up to 4.

ARC provided by the publisher and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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