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Find your Match in Lesbian Books

Review of ‘Love all’ by Rachel Spangler.

Jay Pierce is a veteran tennis player whose career was tainted by scandal. She’s trying to make a comeback while keeping a low profile. In her path to tennis glory she faces Destiny Larsen, a 17 year old prodigy looking to make a name for herself in the game. But more challenging than Destiny’s talent on the court and hostility off the court is Jay’s attraction for Sadie, Destiny’s mother. Will they get past the confrontations to their happily ever after?

This novel is as much a typical lesfic romance as an exploration of parental love. The author is a tennis mom herself and the reader can see that much of what Sadie’s experiences as a tennis mom and as a mother is hers too. Sadie’s a half tennis mom, half mama bear character. Her daughter always comes first but not at any cost, she has a moral code that enforces in her daughter. As a result, this book shows a few bits of very wise parenting insight.

Jay is the typical stoic, dark character with a troubled past that is present in many lesfic books. She travels her journey to redemption without much conviction but is a lovable character. Her chemistry with Sadie is powerful and their intimate scenes are hot. Kudos to Ms. Spangler to present an interracial couple with very believable characters.

Destiny is finely portrayed as both a typical and non-typical teenager. As a professional tennis player, she has to deal with responsibilities and pressure that are not normally demanded from an adolescent. But, on the other hand, she is a typical teenager in all her rebellious, testy, immature ways. She’s not a likeable character but she’s very credible.

A couple of things made me drop a star on this rating. Jay’s relationship with Heather, who is an umpire, wouldn’t work in real life as there is a strict no fraternisation rule between umpires and players (I’ve learnt that from reading ‘Code of conduct’ by Cheyenne Blue). Most importantly, some scenes, specially inside a tennis court, were a bit far fetched for the realm of professional tennis at top tournaments. I understand why the author wrote them but they didn’t work for a tennis enthusiast like me. However, the positive sides of the story outweighed these details. It’s worth a read.

Overall, a story of romance and parental love with a view into professional tennis. 4 stars.

ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

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