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Longing for You by Jenny Frame 

Review of Longing for You by Jenny Frame

Review of Longing for You by Jenny Frame

I had fun with this read. It has its bumps but it was some good Friday night at home from the pandemic -entertainment. Jenny Frame can be really hit or miss for me, but as a paranormal fan, I love that she has created this paranormal universe that now stretches into four books, one novella, and one short story. This is actually the second book in her ‘Wild for You’ series that focuses on vampires and witches. Vamps and witches, you can’t get much better than that pairing.

While Frame does explain enough about what happened in the previous book, if you are new to the series I would recommend at least reading book one Hunger for You first. This new book has 4 main characters, including the mains from book one so you would be at a loss not getting to see how their relationship developed. And if you are like me and very OCD about reading books in order, you might want to give the short story Dapper a try first since technically it is the prequel to this whole series.

I must admit that I was not big on the first book of this series. I find Frame’s werewolf series, Wolfgang County -which takes place in the same universe- to be more enjoyable. However, this second book worked a lot better for me and I just had fun with it. It had issues, but yes, but when you are having fun with a read it is easier to forgive the little problems. I still do have the overall complaint that I wish this series had more action in it. I like my paranormal-romances to be at least 50/50 when it comes to the ratio of action to romance. But again, I was more forgiving in this book because this felt like a build-up book. It appears that this book is setting the table for a climactic action sequence to happen in the next book so finally, and with a little bit of faith, I’m hopeful I will get my action next book.

There are 2 couples in this book, one established pair of Byron and Amelia, and the potential new couple in Alexis (great name;) and Katie. I enjoyed where Byron and Amelia’s storyline went. Amelia is still just at the beginning of her journey so it was nice to see it continue and also see their relationship evolve even more. Alexis and Katie’s courtship is a little faster than I normally would like. And while the chemistry is there you have to wonder if feelings were moving too fast. However, their chemistry actually started up in the first book. I found them really interesting in book one and I knew they would be a staring couple in this book. So again, if you read these books in order, I think you will enjoy their romance more by getting to see the whole picture. Speaking of both couples, you are in for some steamy sex scenes, especially when it comes to Byron and Amelia. They are so steamy you could almost put the erotic tag on this book.

I don’t want to mention much plot details since I don’t want to spoil any fun but I will say that this ended on a baby cliffhanger. Now, it’s not really a cliffhanger that should make you wait for book three to come out before you read this. It’s not that bad really. But, what it does well is it makes you very interested in what book three might bring including possible major enemies to lovers romance. Let’s just say that Frame has my attention and I will 100% be reading the next book.

If you are a Frame fan, I think you will enjoy this one. If you are new to the series I would highly recommend reading at least the first book in the series before this one. I’m not crazy about book one, and this series has its bumps, but this book was a fun read and the good escapism that we could all use right now so I’m a happy camper. 3.75 Stars.

An ARC was given to me for an honest review.

Longing for You by Jenny FrameLonging for You by Jenny Frame

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