Review of ‘Omega Rising’ by Domina Alexandra
This was an entertaining werewolf read. This is the second book in Alexandra’s lesbian werewolf books series Claimed. I enjoyed both books about the same so I thought this was a solid sequel. This did not end on a cliffhanger but there are storylines that are still left open so I expect at least one more book to come. While this series doesn’t wow me, I do enjoy it and would happily read more.
I want to give a warning first that the book blurb gives away a big plotline. Having read book one, I knew I wanted to read this so I never even read the blurb. And now I’m glad I didn’t since it gives away too much for my tastes. My suggestion is to read book one first and if you enjoyed it chances are high that you will enjoy this one too. And yes, I would highly recommend reading these books in order. With a whole pack of weres and humans there are a lot of characters to meet and get to know, plus you would have missed how the main characters became a couple.
If you are a fan of Bonnie from the first book, you will be happy with her in this one. While she still has a lot to learn, she is really growing as a person and as a wolf. I like that her character isn’t perfect and makes mistakes, but she can also be a badass when needed. It’s always nice to see character growth and it is fun knowing her journey is only really just beginning. I also liked that there are new supernatural creatures introduced like the fae. Although, fairies are known as fae so I didn’t like the twist Alexandra made to try to make them different. But beyond that I was happy for new beings and can’t wait to see even more.
I do have to say that my biggest complaint counts as editing in nature. There are way too many exclamation points!!! There must have been 5 times if not more of them than I am used to reading. While I must admit I have seen worse, but that was in a self-edited book. There were too many here and they became distracting to read. I kept picturing the characters yelling and excited all the time. When two people were holding each other, instead of saying “I love you so much.” This book said “I love you!” Do we really need to yell during this sensual moment? Hopefully next time Alexandra will erase at least half of the exclamation points she writes. Her next book will be so much better for it.
If you are a werewolf fan I would suggest giving book one, ‘A Night Claimed’, a chance. I think most paranormal fans will enjoy this series. If you have already read book one, I think it is pretty safe that you will enjoy this one too. This series has its bumps in my opinion, but it has its good parts too. I like this series and I look forward to the next. 3.50 Stars.
ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
'Omega Rising'

This was an entertaining werewolf read. This is the second book in Alexandra’s lesbian werewolf books series Claimed. I enjoyed both books about the same so I thought this was a solid sequel. This did not end on a cliffhanger but there are storylines that are still left open so I expect at least one more book to come. While this series doesn’t wow me, I do enjoy it and would happily read more.
URL: 3.5 stars, Werewolves
Author: Domina Alexandra