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lesbian romance series

Good in love, lacking in crime in this lesbian romance series

‘One Little Secret’ by Eliza Lentzski is the fourth installment of the ‘Don’t Call Me Hero’ (DCMH) lesbian romance series. There are basically two ratings to be given, one for the romance, other for the crime aspect of the book.

Review of ‘One Little Secret’ by Eliza Lentzski

This one is a difficult one for me to rate. For starters, I love this author and have been looking forward to this book, as this is the fourth installment of the ‘Don’t Call Me Hero’ (DCMH) lesbian romance series. On the other hand, some parts of the book were not credible and did not advance my interest in the story.

DCMH series follows the story of Cassidy Miller, a retired Marine-turned police officer suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The story is narrated in first person from Cassidy’s point of view. She meets lawyer Julia Desjardin and the rest, in a convoluted way, is history. In ‘One Little Secret’, Julia and Cassidy are living together. Julia is working as a public defender and Cassidy works in the Cold Case department of the Minneapolis Police Department. Cassidy’s team gets involved in a homicide that has a connection to a Cold Case while Julia is working out of her comfort zone on a custody case.

There are basically two ratings to be given here. This is a 4 star on the Cassidy and Julia arc and unfortunately a 2.5-3 on the rest of the story. For the romantic in me, this series is about Cassidy and Julia. I really feel I don’t have to read about anything else. And well, that just seems unfair to the author. Sorry, Ms. Lentzski! These two are opposites. Cassidy very honest and vulnerable, from a humble background, enlisted military. Julia is educated, eloquent, upper class and an ice queen. Their story has grown from a bad first encounter to love. It has endured scandal, PTSD, insecurities. I do not know how many books the author has planned, but I will read every single one to find out how these main characters end up.

Since all books are narrated from Cassidy’s POV, we hear more about her work than Julia’s. This book has a new homicide case that possibly ties to a cold case. While I appreciate the effort to think about a case to involve Cassidy, the execution was not great. I found myself questioning how in the world the police could conduct an investigation in such a manner. Some obvious procedural steps would have been sufficient to solve the crime. So this led me to just go through the motions until the next chapter when the mains’ relationship would become the focus of the story again. Crime/mystery readers will be disappointed by this one.

Overall, another good installment for those of us that follow Cassidy and Julia. 3.5 stars.

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