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Highly recommended to lesbian romance books fans

Review of ‘Uprooting’ by Suzie Carr

‘Uprooting’ was my third book by Ms. Carr, and it is another solid and sweet romance. There are some themes addressed, which are not easy to handle but the author did very well, without too much or unnecessary drama.

Harper Ray is a complicated woman, she is full of anger and bitterness about her upbringing. The guilt about her family’s car accident, planted firmly in her heart through her father’s words, is still tormenting her. After the family tragedy, Harper and her sister Tess had a rough time until they met Barry and Nancy from the Life Bridge Community Center. There they met Andrew, who will become their brother they never had. They bonded very fast and all together, they were placed in the same foster home.

Years later Harper still dreams to become a successful musician. Music is her way of expressing herself, to lessen the pain in her heart. After an emergency with her sister, she moves back to Maryland where she works odd jobs while she waits for a break in the music business.

Ivy Homestead is a green witch. She works with the energies of natural objects like stones, gems, herbs, and the elements. I’ve never heard of a green witch before so by reading this book I learned some things about them. Ten years ago, Ivy, her aunt Kathy and her mother Annie built ‘The Oasis Wellness and Retreat Center’ offering their guests the walking trails in the surroundings and all kinds of relaxing / wellness treatments. Ivy lives her life in harmony with nature. She creates herbal essences and as a life coach, she produces a podcast series. But after a heated argument with her best friend, she is struggling. After a chance meeting at a market hall where Harper played for a small audience, she captured Ivy’s attention with her heartwarming songs.

Both characters are interesting, complex and lovable women, but not flawless. I loved how Harper learned to deal with all her baggage from the past. Her consuming guilt, the responsibility she feels for her addict sister, and the disdain for her father. Sometimes Ivy pushes her buttons to the brink of an argument, yet slowly but steady she brings Harper to open up and let Ivy help her, even though, at the beginning Harper thinks that what Ivy and her mother do is just some mumbo jumbo. Ivy is a human being who wants to help everybody but struggles with her own failures. She is still upset about herself and her actions that led to the break up with her best friend.

The romance was slow-burning and sweet, with just a hint of drama. The main theme is forgiveness to oneself and others in order to find one’s way to happiness. I liked the main and secondary characters, who are very well developed and Harper’s story was captivating.

Highly recommended to lesbian romance books fans. My rating 4.5 stars.

Many thanks to the author for providing me with an ARC.

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