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A good lesbian romance with a splash of family drama

Review ‘Big girl pill’ by K.D. Williamson

This was another good read by Williamson. I’m a fan of hers, in fact, I’ve rated all but one of her books at least 4 stars. And considering how picky I can be, it shows the high-quality Williamson puts out book after book. This is her first book with Dirt Road Books and I think she makes the small but strong publisher now even stronger. This was a well-written romance with a drop of family drama thrown in.

It’s hard enough being in love with your straight best friend, but it’s even harder to be a part of her wedding. Maya has had her heart broken into a million pieces by her best friend Nina. Their now strained relationship isn’t helping matters and all Maya can think to do it agree to be a bridesmaid to hopefully finally get over Nina. Is it possible to get over someone when the more time you spend with them the stronger the chemistry is?

I mentioned this was well-written and it really was. The way Williamson writes is very comfortable for me. Her books are very readable and you get sucked into the storyline easily. I also liked that parts of this book felt realistic, while still being an obvious fictional romance. I do think the book was just a tiny bit long. I felt like 5% at the end could have been cut off. The ending just dragged a little for me but in the grand scheme of things that complaint is pretty small and had no effect on my enjoyment.

One of the things I enjoyed most about this book was the characters. It was a really good cast of characters. Characters you really like and characters that you want to hate. Everyone, including a pretty large cast of secondary characters, was all very well done. Everyone had a unique personality and no one felt two-dimensional. Williamson took her time building all these characters and it showed.

Besides being about families who work and who don’t, this was about a romance. I enjoy a best friend to lovers romance and Williamson didn’t disappoint. I thought the chemistry was there and obvious and that the sex scenes were well done too. There is enough drama, and some angst to keep the story moving but the angst never felt forced which I always appreciate. I think romance fans will be happy with this, I know I was.

It’s always been easy for me to recommend Williamson’s books and this one is no exception. If you are looking for a good lesbian romance with a splash of family drama, this book is for you.

An ARC was given to me for an honest review.

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