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'Of Iron and Gold An FF Omegaverse Fantasy Romance' by Lexa Luthor

A very hot lesbian fantasy erotic-romance book

Review of ‘Of Iron and Gold: An F/F Omegaverse Fantasy Romance’ by Lexa Luthor

This was pretty H. O. T.! I do have to start with a bit of a content warning. This book will not be for everyone. This is F/F Omegaverse that includes G!P content which means “girl penis” (I hate this term but it is what it is). There is some controversy if this really is F/F or not, but it really is something that has to be decided by each individual reader. If you would like a little more info Luther’s website has a good write-up explaining more.

This is a lesbian fantasy erotic-romance book. The feel of the story reminded me a little of ‘The Lily and the Crown’ by Roslyn Sinclair. Except in this book, there is no morally gray character who’s a bit of a psychopath and this is fantasy, not sci-fi. In this world, the current King has enslaved many Alphas. Either they were against him in the last war or they were sold to pay off debts. The King wants his daughter to become pregnant to continue the bloodline for the Kingdom. If she were to marry a free Alpha, he would take the throne instead, meaning the Kingdom would not stay in family control. So the search for the best-enslaved Alpha begins which includes a rare She-Alpha. Will the Princess be able to do what the King wants or will her feelings for her chosen Alpha get in the way?

This is the second book I have read by Luthor. I enjoyed it and it was steamy as all hell, but I do have to be honest that I did not enjoy it as much as the first book in her Alpha God series. I was really impressed with how good the storyline was in ‘Dancing in the Darkness’. That book was hella steamy too, but it had a great balance between steamy sex and a good plot. I felt like this book was really just hot sex with some, but not a lot of story. I would more put erotic or the erotic-romance tag on this which is fine. It is just that I know that Luthor can write really well so I was hoping for a little more story.

I still very much enjoyed this and would highly suggest not reading this in public or on a work break. I think fans of Luthor are going to be happy with this book. If you are new to Luthor and want to give F/F Omegaverse a try, I think I would suggest ‘Dancing in the Darkness’ as a first book to try over this one, but there is no wrong choice. 3.75 Stars.

lesbian fantasy erotic-romance booklesbian fantasy erotic-romance book

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