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lesbian crime book

Lesbian Crime Book Review of ‘Deadeye’ by Meredith Doench

If you are new to this lesbian crime book series these are pretty gritty crime/mysteries but very well written. This one was good but not great.

Review of ‘Deadeye’ by Meredith Doench

3.75 Stars. Good but not great. This is the third book in the ‘Luce Hansen’ lesbian crime book series. All of the books have been exciting crime/mysteries stories but I did feel like this one wasn’t quite on the same level. The first book ‘Crossed’ is still the best, in fact, I think I personally have it rated too low. And while most of this story is contained in this one book, I would suggest reading these in order to get the most out of the series.

If you are new to this series these are pretty gritty crime/mysteries. The main character Luce specializes in serial killers so do not go reading these looking for cozy mysteries. In fact, all of these books have some nice bits of excitement to them although this book was probably least exciting of all three.

All three books are really well written however I must admit I was disappointed in the mystery this time. I love when authors can drop little subtle clues that if you are paying attention you might be able to guess who the “bad guy/girl” was. In this case, I felt like the killer came out of leftfield. Maybe I missed something but I didn’t really get how it all tied in, basically the “why” of it all. I was just left scratching my head which was disappointing for me from such a good series.

I’m going to keep this review short because honestly, my brain is still in the USA winning the World Cup! I need to go back to Twitter and search for more locker room celebrations 🙂 I would still recommend this book and this series. I think I have very high expectations for this series because it is so good, so this book did seem a little off compared to the others. It was a good book but ‘Crossed’ is still by far my favorite of the series.

An ARC was given to me for an honest review.

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