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Wavering convictions by Erin Dutton

Struggling to connect with ‘Wavering convictions’.

I have to say I was a bit disappointed by this book. It wasn’t a badly written book or anything, I just found myself struggling to connect to it. Click here to find out why.

Lesbian Book Review of ‘Wavering convictions’ by Erin Dutton.

I have to say I was a bit disappointed by this lesbian book. It wasn’t a badly written book or anything, I just found myself struggling to connect to it. I like Dutton, I’ve enjoyed most of the books I’ve read of hers and I was actually looking forward to this. To be honest, this almost didn’t feel like a Dutton book, but that’s just my opinion since something felt a little off here.

I actually thought this book had an interesting premise. Two women that meet and share a few sparks only to find they are connected through a crime. I can’t really recall reading a lesfic book with a premise like this before so I have to give Dutton credit for that. I’m just disappointed that it didn’t end up working for me. Actually, the book almost made me feel uncomfortable. I didn’t like the feeling I got while reading this, and one thing I can say about Dutton is she is normally a very comfortable author. This is one of the reasons why this book didn’t really feel like it was one of hers.

One of the biggest issues I had was with the characters. Unfortunately, I found them to be a bit dull and I couldn’t really connect to them. I noticed a lot of reviewers didn’t care for Maggie. Maggie was the victim of a crime and suffered a lot of trauma because of it. It’s funny because I almost always think that authors tend to gloss over trauma too quickly, where in this case I almost thought the trauma was larger than what fit the crime. But then I thought to myself, I have never had a gun stuck in my face, so I have no idea how much it would change my life either. When I thought of it that way, I felt I understood Maggie more. On the other hand with Ally, I felt like she really let people take advantage of her and just walk all over her. I know it’s tough with family, but it drove me a bit nuts that she didn’t stand up to just about everybody including Maggie.

The romance itself was just average for me. It didn’t really grip me or move me, it was just there. Again, the character seemed so dull that I didn’t feel any sparks between them at all. They actually weren’t a bad match because they were both just sort of blah, but I want a bit more when I read a romance.

I’m sorry to say I can’t recommend this one, but I won’t say stay away either. It’s an average read and far from one of Dutton’s best. If you are new to Dutton, I would suggest picking a different book to be your first. This isn’t a bad read, there are just much more enjoyable books out there by her.

An ARC was given to me for an honest review.

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