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Playing with fire by Lesley Davis

A sweet, butch-femme romance.

Lesbian Book Review of ‘Playing with fire’ by Lesley Davis.

3.50 Stars. This is the third book in the ‘Playing’ series. I did enjoy it but I do have to admit it is my least favorite of the series. The first two books of the series are really entwined, but you could read this book on its own if you needed too. Personally, I would suggest reading at least book one first. The main characters of that book are secondary characters in this one. Again it’s not pivotal, but book one is the best book in the series and I do think reading this series in order would make it the most enjoyable.

Like all three books, this is another butch-femme romance, in a city that centers around the same group of friends. This book had a slight twist as it also had a 10+ year age-gap between the mains. All three books are very sweet and mostly feel-good romances, with very little angst. If you need some sweet uncomplicated romance, this series is a great choice.

While I thought both mains were very likable, I do have to say I didn’t feel the chemistry as much as in the other books. I liked the characters and wanted them to be a couple, this book just wasn’t as steamy as I expected. The first two books have really good sex scenes, this book was more just average for me, not bad, just average.

This story centers on a woman who owns a busy restaurant, but suddenly finds herself the guardian of a 2-year-old little boy. I can be a little hit or miss when it comes to kids in lesfic. I do have to say the little boy was pretty damn adorable. While I do think it would help if you enjoyed kids in lesfic or at least tolerated them, the kid is so cute you probably wouldn’t mind anyway.

While I did enjoy this book, I do have to say that I recommend the first two books in the series much more. If you are looking for a sweet, butch-femme romance, I absolutely recommend giving book one a try. Davis is an author that I seem to always enjoy her books. For some reason, I forget about her a bit though. I need to change that because her books are worth the read.

An ARC was given to me for an honest review.

butch-femme romancebutch-femme romance

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