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lesbian BDSM erotic romance

A hot lesbian BDSM erotic romance

Review for ‘New Girl on the Street’ by Donna Jay

Does a story set in 2005 count as historical fiction? It feels like such a long time ago: almost no cell phones, almost no internet, baby Facebook, and, most important maybe, no pandemic.

Lisa Barnett is not the bullied baby dyke she was in high school. She’s realised her dream of becoming an electrician, she’s independent but not lonely, she loves working with her colleague Paul and playing pool and winning with her best friend Cherie. So when her new neighbour turns out to be the girl (now woman) who broke her heart when they were fifteen, she vows not to let herself care again. But of course, she can’t resist Bella and how beautifully submissive she is.

One of the things I know I can count on when I read a story by Donna Jay is clear consent, which, when it comes to lesbian BDSM erotic romance and erotica, is probably what matters most to me. An author can write the most exciting and delightful scenes, if there’s any doubt about them being entirely consensual, they won’t work for me. That’s one area I don’t have to worry about with Jay and the main reason I look forward to her books.

While I really like Lisa and the way she’s able to see when she’s been wrong and do better, Bella is the one I would have a crush if I had to choose (which I don’t). She’s a lot stronger than she thinks but allows herself to be vulnerable, she knows what she wants and fights for it. And she’s smart, and, of course, sexy. It’s also possible that what makes her the most attractive to me is that, since the story is told mainly from Lisa’s POV, we see Bella through her eyes. All I mentioned above is why Lisa can’t help falling for her.

I liked that the best friend was far from perfect but completely the kind of person you can count on. The bad people were bad but the families were sweet and supportive. And the sex is hot, which should go without saying but I’ve read some not-sexy sex scenes recently so it’s not always a given. Though with some authors, like Jay, it is.

Also, who knew there were so many electrician puns?

lesbian BDSM erotic romancelesbian BDSM erotic romance

New Girl on the Street
lesbian BDSM erotic romance

One of the things I know I can count on when I read a story by Donna Jay is clear consent, which, when it comes to lesbian BDSM erotic romance and erotica, is probably what matters most to me. An author can write the most exciting and delightful scenes, if there’s any doubt about them being entirely consensual, they won’t work for me. That’s one area I don’t have to worry about with Jay and the main reason I look forward to her books.

URL: 4 stars, BDSM, Building - DIY, Neighbours, Second chances

Author: Donna Jay

Editor's Rating:

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