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lesbian action romance book

A fun lesbian action romance book

Review of ‘Candice Cushing and the Lost Tomb of Cleopatra’ by Georgette Kaplan

A fun ride filled with action and adventure. This is the second book in the Cushing-Nevada Chronicles. While I did like book one a little bit more, we are only talking about a quarter star difference here. This was no sophomore series slump and was just as entertaining as the first book. If you are new to the series I would highly recommend reading book one ‘Easy Nevada and the Pyramid’s Curse’ first. Both books are completely connected where book one ends the other book begins. While you could eventually figure out what is going if you started here, you’d be missing out on half the adventure which would be half the fun.

The story is about Easy, treasure hunting, grave robbing, badass, and Candice, who is an archeologist. The two of them are hunting for the last crystal skull- out of twelve- that have been hidden all over the world. If Easy can find this skull she just might have the money to keep her dying son, she put up for adoption, alive.

If Lara Croft and Indiana Jones had a sarcastic lesbian daughter, that would be Easy Nevada. If you like the feel of those action movies with artifacts, pyramids, tanks, guns, explosions, and danger at every turn, this is the book version of those types of movies. While reading this book everything is so well described that it plays like a movie in front of my eyes. I felt like I was there from the heat of the explosions to the sand in my shoes. Kaplan really knows how to write action books.

There is romance in this book but it is light. The characters have really strong chemistry but Easy is a bit of a cad who would flirt with any woman of age so the less reckless Candice likes to fight her attraction to Easy. But the longer they spend together and the more Candice learns about what’s under the sarcastic shell of Easy, the harder it is to ignore her pull. I really like these two as a potential couple and I look forward to finding out what happens.

If you have read any of Kaplan’s books you will knows she has a very unique sense of humor. Kaplan can be a little polarizing where you either get her or you don’t. I happen to love her humor. There are a few pop culture references that I miss, but for the most part, I get the jokes and they actually make me laugh. As most of you know I have trouble with humor in books, but Kaplan’s sarcasm really works for me. The good part about these books is even if you are not a huge fan of Kaplan’s humor, this book is such an action-adventure that the book is worth the read just for that fact alone. We don’t see a ton of lesbian action-romances lately, there used to be so many more when I first started reading lesfic. Nowadays, I’m happy to get my hands on them when I can and Kaplan does not disappoint.

If you are a Tomb Raider or Indiana Jones fan, I think you will have a lot of fun with this series. If you like action and plenty of excitement, this is the book for you. This lesbian action romance book is pure entertainment and I’m excited to read book three in 2020. 4 stars.

A copy was given to me for an honest review.

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