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howl by lucy bexley

Howl by Lucy Bexley

A cute and funny story to get in the mood for Pride

Okay, I started laughing as soon as I read the first sentence and only stopped here and there to feel emotional. Lucy Bexley really writes adorable characters, and I just want them to be happy.

Clementine left her parents’ diner in Maine in the hopes of finding herself in Boston. Her new life doesn’t start in the best way, since her car gets stolen before she even makes it to Boston. Once there, however, things start getting better immediately as her new roommate invites her to Howl, the city’s last queer bar. Lou found a home in Howl and hopes to save her bar but would never dream of asking anyone for help. She wouldn’t dream of opening up to anyone either and surely a quickie in the storeroom with her employee’s friend shouldn’t be life-changing. Think again, Lou.

This Coyote Ugly sapphic reimagining is part of the I Heart Sapphfic Pride Collection, along with books by Haley Cass, Lily Seabrooke, Cara Malone and more. I haven’t read the others yet but I plan to. I was really looking forward to this one and it turned out to be the perfect book to get into Pride mood and, beyond that, in summer mood.

Sure, a couple of scenes feel a bit rushed but I don’t care, I love Clementine and Lou too much. The chemistry between them is joyous and exciting. The MCs aren’t the only ones I love. Lou’s Gram, the other bartenders at Howl, Clem’s dad and her best friend Sam, every secondary character is a gift, both in Clem and Lou’s lives and to the reader. And Clementine is a wonderful mix of determined, earnest, funny, and sweet. Lou never had a chance. 4.5 stars.

howl by lucy bexleyhowl by lucy bexley



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