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Forever and a day: a Those who wait story by Haley Cass

Forever and a day a Those who wait story by Haley Cass, narrated by Lori Prince

A great epilogue to Those Who Wait, now on audiobook

This is a long-ish epilogue to Those who wait by Haley Cass now released as an audiobook narrated by Lori Prince who has also narrated the previous book. I wouldn’t recommend it listening to it before that novel. First of all, because you’d miss a lot of details from the story and secondly, because you really don’t want to miss reading Those who wait.

For epilogue lovers, this will feel like a child’s first visit to Disneyland. It is a detailed account of the lives of Sutton and Charlotte, told in life and political milestones. I’ll leave it vague to avoid spoiling anything. Unlike most epilogues, this one isn’t short (95 pages or 3 hours) and it’s divided into 7 parts. Each of them is focused on a period of time and it’s a little story in itself, drama and excitement included.

So, if you’ve finished listening to Those who wait and are suffering from a book hangover and missing the characters already, then listening to this short audiobook is going to be a treat. It finishes with a perfect circle and gives complete closure to the story. Unfortunately, it won’t solve your book hangover, only delay it for a while.

Lori Prince narrated the story like the pro she is, respecting the voices of all the main characters based on the previous audiobook. Her performance of both Sutton and Charlotte is glorious and fans of Those who wait will be happy to hear Charlotte saying “darling” again.

Overall, a great end to Those who wait and a must-read if you enjoyed that book. 5 stars.

Length: 3 hours and 28 minutes

Both audiobooks available on Scribd

Forever and a day a Those who wait story by Haley Cass    Forever and a day a Those who wait story by Haley Cass


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