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feel good lesbian romance books

I recommend this to all feel good lesbian romance books fans

Review of ‘Wrong Number, Right Woman’ by Jae

It’s a Jae book, of course, it is great. That really sums up everything right there. I don’t actually have to write any more in this review, right? This was the feel-good, happy, and sweet romance of the summer. I go through different stages where sometimes I want a little angst, sometimes I want soap opera filled angst, but other times I just want to smile the whole time I am reading a book and this book filled that to a T.

This book takes place in Portland, where Jae has set some of her other books. In fact, one of the mains, Eliza, actually works for Dee and Austen from ‘Under a Falling Star’. It was nice to visit with them a little and see that Dee is still the ice queen that I enjoy, but you don’t have to read that book first since the stories are not that connected.

This is a feel-good, toaster oven, age-gap romance. While Denny gets teased for her age a lot, there is only 11 years difference, 41 to 30, so most of the time I did not even remember that there was an age gap unless the characters brought it up. Oh, I almost forgot that this is also a slow-burn romance. If you are looking for anything fast, then this is not the book for you.

I really liked that both characters had pretty normal jobs in retail. A lot of authors really depend on jobs to make their characters interesting, which is fine, but I like that Jae was able to write about every day, real people, and the story still completely worked. The characters were lovely and it is why I think the book was so wonderful. I could even connect with Denny quite a bit. While she’s more butch than I am, I could see plenty of myself in her which is always nice while reading.

I had one tiny issue but it’s almost not worth mentioning. This is a book on the longer side for what is a standard WLW romance. Hey, it means people sure get their money’s worth so that not my problem. The issue for me was that at one point and only one point, I thought the pace slowed down a bit too much. I think I would have edited out a tiny bit. There is a lot of interaction that happens over text messages, which is the premise of how they meet so I get it it’s just that I wanted things to move past this point a little faster. Luckily, shortly after that, the book did move on so it really was the shortest of complaints from me.

While this book is all about the characters, including the main’s friends and family, the heart of this book is the sweet as sugar, slow-burn romance. Everything from the chemistry to just the understanding and caring, everything about this couple is what every person hopes to find when they are dating. It was sweet and just lovely to watch these two women fall in love. When I say this book was the feel-good romance of the summer, I’m not kidding.

If you could not tell by my review, I would easily recommend this book to all feel good lesbian romance books fans. If angst is a must for you then this book might not be for you, otherwise get it since you won’t be disappointed. While I love all of Jae’s books, this book will go into the pile of her books that were really special to me like ‘Just Physical’, ‘Heart Trouble’, ‘Just for Show’, and ‘Conflict of Interest’. 4.50 Stars.

An ARC was given to me for an honest review.

feel good lesbian romance booksfeel good lesbian romance books

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