Katia Rose's Desert Island Books

Based on the BBC radio programme ‘Desert Island Discs’, we’ve adapted this idea to ask castaways to list up to eight books, one song and one luxury item that they couldn’t do without on a desert island.
The rules are fairly simple, any type of book can be selected, but we ask that at least half are lesfic. Choices should be justified in a paragraph or two. Any type of music is allowed. The luxury item must be inanimate and of no use in escaping the island or allowing communication from outside.
Other Desert Island Choices
My Book Choices
That Could Be Enough by Alyssa Cole
This book was my first time reading a historical F/F romance, and it got me very ready for more. Alyssa Cole creates such a rich and detailed setting, and the attraction felt between the heroines develops in a deeply sensual and captivating slow burn. It’s also a beautiful and thoroughly researched depiction of two fiercely independent Black women living in New York’s distant past. It’s just the kind of story I’d want to get swept away in for some historical escapism from my desert island predicament.
The Stars and the Blackness Between Them by Junauda Petrus
I’ve been craving a re-read of this one, and what better time to get to it than filling the hours on a deserted island? This is a beautifully unique and poetic story about two young Black women discovering and falling in love not only with each other but with themselves. The author also weaves a variety of spiritual practices and traditions into the book in a way that is absolutely breathtaking and not to be missed.
Anyone But Her by Erica Lee
Because sometimes you just want to laugh along with some familiar characters, especially when you’re coping with being stuck on a deserted island! There’s a reason Anyone But Her can still pretty much constantly be found in the lesbian bestseller chart: it’s a hilarious, feel-good read with a lot of heart and the perfect amount of heat to go along with it. What more could you want?
Bewilder by Bryce Oakley
I’m mixing it up and putting a book I haven’t yet read in this list, because if anything is going to get me through my ever-growing TBR pile, it’s a good long time out on a desert island. I read and loved the first book in the Kaleidoscope series quite a while ago, and I need to get myself a copy of book two asap. Four whole books of hot and witty lesbian rock stars falling in love? Need I say more?
Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert
This nonfiction book is subtitled ‘Creative Living Beyond Fear’ and it absolutely lives up to that. I first read it when I was going through a pretty rough patch with my own creativity (honestly, weren’t we all at the start of Covid?), and I’m not exaggerating when I say it lit up my entire life. I’d recommend this book wholeheartedly to anyone looking to make creativity part of their everyday life, and I’m very due for a re-read myself.
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer
This is quite possibly my favourite book of all time, so of course it’s coming along with me to the island. I first read it in high school, and it totally changed my perspective of what books and writing can be.
A Complicated Kindness by Miriam Toews
This is quite possibly my second favourite book of all time, so to the island it goes as well! I went to an arts high school and specialized in creative writing, and whenever I felt stuck on an assignment I’d procrastinated starting until the last minute, I’d pull this book down off the shelf, open it to a random page, and feel immediately rejuvenated and in love with writing all over again.
My Song Choice
Island in the Sun by Weezer
Because I’d find it hilarious to play this over and over again while slowly descending into the madness of heat exhaustion and dehydration.
My Luxury Item Choice
I’d be bringing my AlphaSmart along. It’s is the device I use for writing my stories, and I absolutely swear by it for distraction-free writing sessions. It’s a very basic word processor that’s no longer in production, and it was originally created in the nineties (I got mine off Ebay a couple years ago). Since my laptop wouldn’t be much use on an island, I’d bring my AlphaSmart along to capture any stories or thoughts that came to mind while I waited to be rescued or doomed.
About Katia Rose
Katia Rose is not much of a Pina Colada person, but she does like getting caught in the rain. She loves to write romances that make her readers laugh, cry, and swoon (preferably in that order). She’s rarely found without a cup of tea nearby, and she’s more than a little obsessed with tiny plants. Katia is proudly bisexual and has a passion for writing about love in all its forms.
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You can find her on all social media as @katiaroseauthor. She spends way too much time on TikTok and Instagram.