Lucy Bexley's Desert Island Books

Based on the BBC radio programme ‘Desert Island Discs’, we’ve adapted this idea to ask castaways to list up to eight books, one song and one luxury item that they couldn’t do without on a desert island.
The rules are fairly simple, any type of book can be selected, but we ask that at least half are lesfic. Choices should be justified in a paragraph or two. Any type of music is allowed. The luxury item must be inanimate and of no use in escaping the island or allowing communication from outside.
Other Desert Island Choices
My Books Choices
It’s so hard to narrow down books and I know listing my kindle is cheating. So I’ve picked a mix of books I really love and one I haven’t read. I’m not big on rereading, but I’m hoping the island will change me.
All That Matters by Susan X Meagher
Kylie, one of the main characters, is so funny to me. I laughed more times than I could count at her off-hand comments. This book also taught me A LOT about pregnancy, which I wasn’t expecting. I love a good villain and Blair’s ex is so satisfying to hate.
Who’d Have Thought by G. Benson
This book was hot and made me laugh. Plus, fake dating and enby rep. G. Benson, you are so funny, please be my friend.
Alone by E. J. Noyes
What’s a better read than one that focuses on solitude and madness and the profound impact of loneliness?
Reading this book tore me apart. I’ve been waiting to feel emotionally prepared to reread it and I think year three on the island is that time.
Somewhere Far Away and Happy by Bryce Oakley
I love this book, but also Bryce is my good friend. There’s this incredible thing that happens when you’re friends with an author–reading their books feels like hanging out with them. I guess it would be okay to feel like I was hanging out with Bryce on this island even though she rejected my title suggestion for this book: Somewhere Close and Kinda Sad.
East of Eden by John Steinbeck
One of my all-time favorite novels. It’s sweeping and sad and has some beautiful lines, including the one I have on my wall: “And now that you don’t have to be perfect, you can be good”. How freeing that line has been to me.
The Odyssey by Homer trans. By Emily Wilson
If you only read one translation of The Odyssey (which is probably the max that any reasonable person would read) Wilson’s is the one you want. It’s beautiful and feminist. A masterpiece on top of a masterpiece. Plus, adventure, shipwrecks, general lost at sea vibes.
And Playing the Role of Herself by K.E. Lane
I’m going to ask you to withhold judgment when I admit I haven’t read this book yet. I’m the kind of person that saves their favorite part of the meal until the end, I love a slow burn, etc. Plus, as we’ve established, I’m not big on rereading, so I want at least one book that will surprise me, but is still a safe bet.
My Song Choice
At first, I thought I could pick an artist, and I was like, no problem, clearly Taylor Swift, but to now be asked to narrow it down to a single song feels cruel and unusual.
Anyway, it’s Cruel Summer.
Luxury item
Believe it or not, my luxury item would be a sun tent. I get really cranky when I get too hot and promising to set up a sun tent is the only way my wife can get me to go to the beach. I assume all islands are just round beaches, which I’m realizing now might not be true?
About Lucy Bexley
You can find all of my books on Amazon:
If you like a funny drama queen, you might like my Twitter: @bexley_lucy
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